This time of year runny noses, stomach flu and colds overtake our once happy homes, turning bedrooms into infirmaries. Many of these common aliments can be dealt with easily and effectively at home with a little help from Mother – Mother Nature that is!! Keeping these 10 remedies at home can help you get the family up and feeling better in no time.
1. Goldenseal: Has antibacterial properties which makes it a perfect choice for colds and flu. It is available in liquid forms that can be mixed in juice to make it easier for little ones to take.
2. Colloidal Silver: Works like a natural antibiotic, making it a useful complement to goldenseal for colds and flu. As well, colloidal silver is beneficial for mild eye infections such as pink eye. To use in eyes dilute 1 part pure colloidal silver to 3 parts distilled water and put in a dropper bottle. A few drops can then be place directly in the eye.
3. Bentonite Clay or Charcoal: A perfect choice for helping stop minor diarrhea symptoms due to the stomach flu to mild food poisoning.
4. Calcium Lactate: Effective at reducing mild fevers. Calcium lactate is available in powdered and tablet form, making it easy to give little ones.
5. Epsom salts: Bathing in Epsom salts is perfect for body aches and pains that accompany the flu and helps with general detoxification.
6. Essential oils of Peppermint, Eucalyptus or Wintergreen: Mix 5-10 drops with olive oil and rub over achy muscles and joints. These oils can also be added to bath water to help with aches, pains and to clear the sinuses.
7. NettiPot: No home should be without one during cold season. The NettiPot or other nasal rinse system is effective for clearing the sinuses and reducing sinus pain and pressure. It is also effective at preventing colds when done on a daily basis
8. Arnica: can be taken in tablet or cream forms. Works great for bruises, sprains and achy muscles.
9. Calendula: Perfect for burns (sun or wind) and to help heal minor cuts and scrapes.
10. Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar: Effective as an immune tonic – both in the acute phase and to keep your immune system healthy long term. Great for leg cramps, both symptomatic relief and for prevention. As well, apple cider vinegar is good for relieving chronic indigestion or occasional indigestion due to over indulgence (we all remember the holidays).